Elected in February 2023 to the National Academy of Engineering for “contributions using optimization and stochastic modeling to enhance supply chain management and operations.”
Received the 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Institute of Management Technology-Ghaziabad, India for his “Out of the Box ideation, praiseworthy dedication, and out-standing contribution to academic and research in the area of Supply Chain Management and Decision Sciences.”
Received 2nd place in 2022 INFORMS Innovative Applications in Analytics Award for “Calibrating Sales Forecast in a Pandemic Using Competitive Online Non-Parametric Regression.” Research is done in collaboration with AB InBev and Michelle Wu, Rui Sun, and Ruihao Zhu. This prize promotes the creative combination of analytic techniques in innovative applications to provide novel insights and creates economic or social value.
The paper “Large-scale Price Optimization for an Online Fashion Retailer” was a finalist in 2022 RMP Practice Award. Research is done with Hanwei Li, Rui Sun, Michelle Xiao Wu and collaborators from Zalando, Germany.
Winner of the 2021 Roddy Martin Polaris Transform Award given to “an outstanding individual who has become a guiding star in the supply chain profession through their impact and influence” and for “fundamental work on Supply Chain Resiliency and Digitization… that has been essential in supporting the recovery and success of supply chains from the pandemic.”
Received the 2021 Operations Research Best Operation Management Paper Award for “Online Network Revenue Management using Thompson Sampling.” Research done with Kris J. Ferreira and He Wang and published in Operations Research, 2018, Volume 66, No 6, pp. 1586–1602.
Awarded the prestigious 2020 INFORMS Impact Prize for playing a leading role in developing and disseminating a new highly impactful paradigm for the identification and mitigation of risks in global supply chains.
Received the 2020 Koopman Award given to an outstanding publication in military operations research for “Designing Response Supply Chain Against Bioattacks.” Research done with Nikos Trichakis and Peter Yun Zhang and published in Operations Research, 2019, Volume 67, No 5, pp. 1246-1268.
Received the Data Mining Best Theoretical Paper in the 15th INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Decision Analytics for the paper “Online Pricing with Offline Data: Phase Transition and Inverse Square Law.” Research done jointly with Jinzhi Bu and Yunzong Xu.
Finalist in the 2018 M&SOM Journal Best Paper Award for “Analytics for an Online Retailer: Demand Forecasting and Price Optimization.” Research done with Kris Ferreira Johnson and Bin Hong Alex Lee.
Runner Up in the 2018 Production & Operations Management Society Best Paper Award Humanitarian Operations & Crisis Management Track for “Designing Response Supply Chain Against Bioattacks.” Research done with Nikos Trichakis and Peter Yun Zhang.
Received the The 2017 CSAMSE Annual Conference Best Paper Award for “Dynamic Recommendation at Checkout Under Inventory Constraint.” Research done with Xi Chen, Will Ma and Linwei Xin.
Received the 2017 SIAM Data Mining Best Research Paper Award for “Uplift Modeling with Multiple Treatments and General Response Types.” Research was done with Yan Zhao and Xiao Fang.
David Simchi-Levi, three of his PhD students and 5 colleagues from Ford, received the Ford 2015 Engineering Excellence Award for “Identifying Risks and Mitigating Disruptions in the Ford Supply Chain.” Research was done with former PhD students William Schmidt (now on the faculty at Cornell), Yehua Wei (now on the faculty at Duke) and current PhD student Peter Yun Zhang.
David Simchi-Levi and colleagues win INFORMS Daniel H. Wagner Prize for Excellence in Operations Research Practice for utilizing Prof. Simchi-Levi’s Risk Exposure Index to identify risk and mitigate disruptions in the automotive supply chain.
Received the 2014 INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Section Practice Award for “Demand Prediction and Price Optimization for First Exposure Items.” Research was done with Kris Johnson and Alex Lee and implemented at online retailer Rue La La.
Honor by the Journal Production and Operations Management, January- February 2013, for contributions to the theoretical and practical aspects of supply-chain management.
MSOM Distinguished Fellow Award, 2013 in recognition of outstanding research and scholarship in operations management.
The 2012 Thinkers & Movers Award given by DSC Logistics to recognize individuals whose innovative leadership has resulted in ground-breaking supply chain understand- ing and practices.
Board of Governors, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, 2011-2018.
The INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Section Prize for the following papers:
- “Coordinating Inventory Control and Pricing Strategies with Random Demand and Fixed Ordering Cost: The Finite Horizon Case,” Operations Research, Vol. 52, No. 6, November-December 2004, pp. 887-896;
- “Coordinating Inventory Control and Pricing Strategies with Random Demand and Fixed Ordering Cost: The Infinite Horizon Case,” Mathematics of Operations Research, 2004; and
- “Coordinating Inventory Control and Pricing Strategies with Random Demand and Fixed Ordering Cost: The Continuous Review Model,” Operations Research Letters, 2006, co-authored with X. Chen.
According to the citation, “The papers present a fundamental contribution… they will stand as seminal papers of the field.”
An add-on to ILOG LogicNet Plus XE, a key offering in ILOGs LogicTools Suite of Supply Chain Applications, was awarded a Stevie 2008 International Business Award in the category of Best New Product. The winners of the 2008 Stevies (www.stevieawards.com) were selected from more than 1,700 entries submitted by organizations and individuals in more than 30 countries.
The paper “A Mathematical Model for Interplanetary Logistics,” co-authored with Christine Taylor, Miao Song, Diego Klabjan and Olivier de Weck, received an honorable mention (2nd prize) for the 2007 Logistics Spectrum Paper Award.
The paper “Supply Chain Coordination and Influenza Vaccination,” co-authored with Stephen E. Chick and Hamed Mamani was awarded the Pierskalla Best Paper Award, 2006. The Pierskalla Award recognizes research excellence in the field of health care management science.
INFORMS Fellow Award, 2006 in recognition of outstanding contributions, achievements and service that have advanced the profession of operations research and the management sciences.
The book “Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies and Case Studies” co-authored with P. Kaminsky and E. Simchi-Levi was:
- Awarded the Outstanding IIE Publication Prize and the IIE Joint Publishers Book-of-the-Year Prize given in 2000 by the Institute of Industrial Engineers;
- Awarded the Outstanding First Edition of the Year Prize given in 2000 by McGraw-Hill/Irwin; and
- Selected by Business 2.0, December 2001 issue, as the best source for slashing time and costs and increasing productivity in the supply chain.
Appointed the Walter P. Murphy Professor of Industrial Engineering/Management Science, Northwestern University, effective September 1, 2000 through August 31, 2010 (declined due to a move to MIT).
A Computerized System for School Bus Routing in New York City developed together with the NYC Board of Education/Office of pupil transportation, the Fund for the City of NY and Julien Bramel won the first place prize in the government/public sector category of the Windows World Open Competition, Atlanta May 1994. The competition was sponsored by, among others, Microsoft, Borland, AT&T, the Computer World magazine and the Windows World Conference.
The paper “Probabilistic Analysis of a Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows” co-authored with J. Bramel and C. L. Li was awarded the 1994 Jacob Wolfowitz Prize given by the American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences.
Awarded the Alon Fellowship given by the Council of Higher Education, Israel, to outstanding young scientists, 1993-1996 (declined).
School of Industrial Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University, Among the eight top finalists for the Outstanding Instructor Award, 1990-1991.
The paper “Minisum and Minmax Location of a Traveling Salesman” was awarded the Oded Levin Prize for the best Operations Research paper in Israel in 1985.
M.Sc. degree awarded with Honors (Magna Cum Laude).