
Simchi-Levi D., Xu Y., Zhao J..  2024.  Blind Network Revenue Management and Bandits with Knapsacks under Limited Switches. Operations Research.
Chen X., Simchi-Levi D., Zhao Z., Zhou Y..  2024.  Bayesian Mechanism Design for Blockchain Transaction Fee Allocation. Operations Research.
Liu R.P, Mellou K., Gong EX-Y., Li B., Coffee T., Pathuri J., Simchi-Levi D., Menache I..  2024.  Efficient Cloud Server Deployment Under Demand Uncertainty. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management.
Menache I., Pathuri J., Simchi-Levi D., Linton T..  2024.  How Generative AI Improves Supply Chain Management. Harvard Business Review.
Hu Y., Liu L., Simchi-Levi D., Yan Z..  2024.  Learning Mixed Multinomial Logits with Provable Guarantees and its Applications in Multi-product Pricing. Management Science.
Chen X., Simchi-Levi D., Wang Y..  2024.  Utility Fairness in Contextual Dynamic Pricing with Demand Learning. Management Science.
Qian J., Hu H., Simchi-Levi D..  2024.  Offline Oracle-Efficient Learning for Contextual MDPs via Layerwise Exploration-Exploitation Tradeoff. NeurIPS.
Ai R., Simchi-Levi D., Zhu F..  2024.  Dynamic Service Fee Pricing under Strategic Behavior: Actions as Instruments and Phase Transition. NeurIPS.
Simchi-Levi D., Zheng Z., Zhu F..  2024.  On Greedy-like Policies in Online Matching with Reusable Network Resources and Decaying Rewards. Management Science.
Simchi-Levi D., Wang C..  2024.  Pricing Experimental Design: Causal Effect, Expected Revenue and Tail Risk. Management Science.
Simchi-Levi D., Zheng Z., Zhu F..  2024.  A Simple and Optimal Policy Design with Safety against Heavy-tailed Risk for Stochastic Bandits. Management Science.
Simchi-Levi D., Wang C..  2024.  Multi-armed Bandit Experimental Design: On- line Decision-making and Adaptive Inference. Management Science.
Mao W., Zhang K., Zhu R., Simchi-Levi D., Basar T..  2023.  Model-Free Non-Stationary Reinforcement Learning: Near-Optimal Regret and Applications in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning and Inventory Control. Management Science.
Simchi-Levi D., Zheng Z., Zhu F..  2023.  Stochastic Multi-armed Bandits: Optimal Trade-off among Optimality, Consistency, and Tail Risk. NeurIPS 2023 Spotlight (top 3%).
Simchi-Levi D., Wang C., Zheng Z..  2023.  Non-stationary Experimental Design under Linear Trends. NeurIPS.
Simchi-Levi D., Zheng Z., Zhu F..  2023.  Offline Planning and Online Learning under Recovering Rewards. Management Science.
Simchi-Levi D., Sun R., Wang X..  2023.  Online Matching with Bayesian Rewards. Operations Research.
Cheung W.C, Simchi-Levi D., Zhu R..  2023.  Non-Stationary Reinforcement Learning: The Blessing of (More) Optimism. To appear in Management Science.
Chen X., Ma W., Simchi-Levi D..  2023.  Assortment Planning for Recommendations at Checkout under Inventory Constraints. To appear in Mathematics of Operations Research.
Talwai P., Shameli A., Simchi-Levi D..  2022.  Sobolev Norm Learning Rates for Conditional Mean Embeddings. AISTATS 2022.
Li H., Simchi-Levi D., Sun R., Wu M.X, Fux V., Gellert T., Greiner T., Taverna A..  2022.  Large-Scale Price Optimization for an Online Fashion Retailer. In Babich, V., Birge, J.R., Hilary, G. (eds) Innovative Technology at the Interface of Finance and Operations..
Qin H., Simchi-Levi D., Ferer R., Mays J., Merriam K., Forrester M., Hamrick A..  2022.  Trading Safety Stock for Service Response Time in Inventory Positioning. To appear in Production and Operations Management Special Issue in celebrdation of POMs 30 years.
Gong X., Simchi-Levi D..  2022.  Bandits atop Reinforcement Learning: Tackling Online Inventory Models with Cyclic Demands. To appear in Management Science.
Simchi-Levi D., Zheng Z., Zhu F..  2022.  A Simple and Optimal Policy Design with Safety against Heavy-tailed Risk for Multi-armed Bandits. To appear in NeurIPS 2022.
Hu Y., Simchi-Levi D., Yan Z..  2022.  Learning Mixed Multinomial Logits with Provable Guarantees. To appear in NeurIPS 2022.
Bu J., Simchi-Levi D., Wang C..  2022.  Context-Based Dynamic Pricing with Partially Linear Demand Model. To appear in NeurIPS 2022.
Ma W., Simchi-Levi D..  2022.  Constructing Demand Curves from a Single Observation of Bundle Sales. To appear in WINE 2022.
Simchi-Levi D., Sun R., Wu M.X, Zhu R..  2022.  Calibrating Sales Forecast in a Pandemic Using Competitive Online Non-Parametric Regression. To appear in Management Science.
Simchi-Levi D., Xu Y..  2022.  Phase Transitions in Bandits with Switching Constraints. To appear in Management Science.
Foster D., Krishnamurthy A., Simchi-Levi D, Xu Y..  2022.  Offline Reinforcement Learning: Fundamental Barriers for Value Function Approximation. COLT 2022.
Ledvina K., Qin H., Simchi-Levi D., Wei Y..  2022.  A New Approach for Vehicle Routing with Stochastic Demand: Combining Route Assignment with Process Flexibility. To appear in Operations Research.
Li H., Simchi-Levi D., Wu M.X, Zhu W..  2022.  Estimating and Exploiting the Impact of Photo Layout: A Structural Approach. To appear in Management Science.
Bojinov I., Simchi-Levi D., Zhao J..  2022.  Design and Analysis of Switchback Experiments. To appear in Management Science.
Bu J., Simchi-Levi D., Wang L..  2021.  Online Pricing and Demand Learning with Censored Data. To appear in Management Science.
Chen L., Ma W., Natarajan K., Simchi-Levi D., Yan Z..  2021.  Distributionally Robust Linear and Discrete Optimization with Marginals. To appear in Operations Research.
Bu J., Simchi-Levi D., Xu Y..  2021.  Online Pricing with Offline Data: Phase Transition and Inverse Square Law. To appear in Management Science.
Cheung W.C, Ma W., Simchi-Levi D., Wang X..  2021.  Inventory Balancing with Online Learning. To appear in Management Science.
Simchi-Levi D., Timmermans K..  2021.  A Simpler Way to Modernize Your Supply Chain. Harvard Business Review. September-October 2012
Simchi-Levi D., Sun R., Zhang H..  2021.  Online Learning and Optimization for Revenue Management Problems with Add-on Discounts. To appear in Management Science.
Chen B., Simchi-Levi D., Wang Y., Zhou Y..  2021.  Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Control with Fixed Ordering Cost and Incomplete Demand Information. To appear in Management Science.
Qin H., Simchi-Levi D., Wang L..  2021.  Data-Driven Approximation Schemes for Joint Pricing and Inventory Control Models. To appear in Management Science.
Ma W., Simchi-Levi D..  2021.  Reaping the Benefits of Bundling under High Production Costs. To appear in Proceedings of the 24nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, AISTATS.
Chen X., Simchi-Levi D., Wang Y..  2021.  Privacy-Preserving Dynamic Personalized Pricing with Demand Learning. To appear in Management Science.
Foster D.J, Rakhlin A., Simchi-Levi D., Xu Y..  2021.  Instance-Dependent Complexity of Contextual Bandits and Reinforcement Learning: A Disagreement-Based Perspective. To appear in COLT 2021.
Mao W., Zhang K., Zhu R., Simchi-Levi D., Basar T..  2021.  Is Model-Free Learning Nearly Optimal for Non-Stationary RL? To appear in ICML 2021.
Bastani B., Simchi-Levi D., Zhu R..  2021.  Meta Dynamic Pricing: Transfer Learning Across Experiments. To appear in Management Science.
Gong X, Goyal V., Iyengar G., Simchi-Levi D., Udwani R., Wang S..  2021.  Online Assortment Optimization with Reusable Resources. To appear in Management Science.
Simchi-Levi D., Zheng Z., Zhu F..  2021.  Dynamic Planning and Learning under Recovering Rewards. To appear in ICML 2021.
Simchi-Levi D., Xu Y..  2021.  Bypassing the Monster: A Faster and Simpler Optimal Algorithm for Contextual Bandits under Realizability. To appear in Mathematics of Operations Research.
Ma W., Simchi-Levi D., Zhao J..  2020.  Dynamic Pricing (and Assortment) under a Static Calendar. To appear in Management Science.
Hopp W., Simchi-Levi D..  2020.  Management Science: The Legacy of the Past and Challenge of the Future. To appear in Management Science.
Cheung W.C, D S-L, Zhu R..  2020.  Parameter-Free Learning for Evolving Markov Decision Processes: The Blessing of (More) Optimism. ICML 2020.
Bu J., Simchi-Levi D., Xu Y..  2020.  Online Pricing with Online Data: Phase Transition and Inverse Square Law. ICML 2020.
Ma W., Simchi-Levi D., Teo C.P.  2020.  On Policies for Single-leg Revenue Management with Limited Demand Information. To appear in Operations Research.
Chen X., Owen Z., Pixton C., Simchi-Levi D..  2020.  A Statistical Learning Approach to Personalization in Revenue Management. To appear in Management Science.
Jin R., Simchi-Levi D., Wang L., Wang X., Yang S..  2020.  Shrinking the Upper Confidence Bound: A Dynamic Product Selection Problem for Urban Warehouses. To appear in Management Science.
Wang Y., Chen B., Simchi-Levi D..  2020.  Multi-Modal Dynamic Pricing. To appear in Management Science.
Cheung W.C, Simchi-Levi D., Zhu R..  2020.  Hedging the Drift: Learning to Optimize Under Non-Stationarity. To appear in Management Science.
Nambiar M., Simchi-Levi D., Wang H..  2020.  Dynamic Inventory Allocation with Demand Learning for Seasonal Goods. Production and Operations Management. (Special Issue to Honor Professor Hau Lee, Editor Christopher S Tang)
Cheung W.C, Simchi-Levi D., Zhu R..  2019.  Learning to Optimize under Non-Stationarity. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, AISTATS 2019.
Nambiar M., Simchi-Levi D., Wang H..  2019.  Dynamic Learning and Pricing with Model Misspecification. Management Science. 65(11)
Simchi-Levi D., Trichakis N., Zhang P.Y.  2019.  Designing Response Supply Chain Against Bioattacks. Operations Research. 67(5)
Ma W., Simchi-Levi D..  2019.  Algorithms for Online Matching, Assortment, and Pricing with Tight Weight-dependent Competitive Ratios. To appear in Operations Research.
Simchi-Leviq D., Xu Y..  2019.  Phase Transitions and Cyclic Phenomena in Bandits with Switching Constraints. NeurIPS 2019.
Simchi-Levi D., Wu M.X.  2018.  Powering Retailers Digitization Through Analytics and Automation. Special Issue of International Journal of Production Research, dedicated to 55 Best Scholars in Production Research for the 55th Volume Anniversary of UPR. 56(1-2)
Simchi-Levi D., Wang H., Wei Y..  2018.  Increasing Supply Chain Robustness Through Process Flexibility and Inventory. Production and Operations Management. 27(8)
Ferreira J.K, Simchi-Levi D., Wang H..  2018.  Online Network Revenue Management using Thompson Sampling. Operations Research. 66(6)
Akkas A., Gaur V, Simchi-Levi D..  2018.  Drivers of Product Expiration in Consumer Packaged Goods Retailing. Management Science. 65(5)
Allen-Zhu Z., Simchi-Levi D., Wang X..  2018.  The lingering of gradients: How to reuse gradients over time. Advances in Neural Information Process Systems. NIPS 2018. 31
Cheung W.C, Simchi-Levi D..  2018.  Sampling-based Approximation Schemes for Capacitated Stochastic Inventory Control Models. Mathematics of Operations Research. 44(2)
Gao S.Y, Simchi-Levi D., Teo C.P, Yan Z..  2018.  Disruption Risk Mitigation in Supply Chains - The Risk Exposure Index Revisited. Operations Research. 64(3)
Simchi-Levi D., Wang H., Wei Y..  2018.  Constraint Generation for Two-Stage Robust Network Flow Problem. INFORMS Journal on Optimization. 1(1)
Zhao Y., Fang X., Simchi-Levi D..  2017.  Uplift Modeling with Multiple Treatments and General Response Types. SIAM Data Mining 2017.
Cheung W.C, Simchi-Levi D., Wang H..  2017.  Dynamic Pricing and Demand Learning with Limited Price Experimentation. Operations Research. 65(6)
Simchi-Levi D..  2017.  The New Frontier of Price Optimization. Sloan Management Review. Fall 2017
Johnson K., Lee A.BH, Simchi-Levi D..  2016.  Analytics for an Online Retailer: Demand Forecasting and Price Optimization. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. 18(1)
Bidkhori H., Simchi-Levi D., Wei Y..  2016.  Analyzing Process Flexibility: A Distribution-free Approach with Partial Expectations. Operations Research Letters. 44(3)
Kim C., Klabjan D., Simchi-Levi D..  2015.  Optimal Expediting Policies for a Serial Inventory System with Stochastic Lead Time. Production and Operations Management. 24(10)
Simchi-Levi D., Schmidt W., Wei Y., Zhang P.Y, Combs K, Ge Y., Gusikhin O., Sander M., Zhang D..  2015.  Identifying risks and mitigating disruptions in the automotive supply chain. Interfaces. 45(5)
Simchi-Levi D., Schmidt W., Wei Y..  2014.  From Superstorms to Factory Fires: Managing Unpredictable Supply Chain Disruptions. Harvard Business Review. January-February 2014
Johnson K., Simchi-Levi D., Sun P..  2014.  Analyzing Scrip Systems. Operations Research. 62(3)
Simchi-Levi D..  2014.  OM Research: From Problem Driven to Data Driven Research. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. 16(1)
Gong X., Chao X., Simchi-Levi D..  2014.  Dynamic inventory control with limited capital and short-term financing. Naval Research Logistics. 61(3)
Mirchandani P., Simchi-Levi D..  2014.  Communications Network Design Models. Handbook of Graph Theory, J.L. Gross, J. Yellen and P. Zhang eds., CRC Press.
Chen X., Shum S., Simchi-Levi D..  2014.  Stable and Coordinating Contracts for a Supply Chain with Multiple Risk-Averse Suppliers. Production and Operations Management. 23(3)
Halman N., Klabjan D., Li C.L, Orlin J., Simchi-Levi D..  2014.  Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Schemes for Stochastic Dynamic Programs. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics. 28(4)
Simchi-Levi D., Wei Y..  2014.  Worst-case Analysis of Process Flexibility Designs. Operations Research. 63(1-2)
V. de Albeniz M, Simchi-Levi D..  2013.  Supplier-Buyer Negotiation Games: Equilibrium Conditions and Supply Chain Efficiency. Production and Operations Management. 22
Lu Y., Simchi-Levi D..  2013.  On the Unimodality of the Profit Function of the Pricing Newsvendor. Production and Operations Management. 22
Klabjan D., Simchi-Levi D., Song M..  2013.  Robust Stochastic Lot-Sizing by Means of Histograms. Production and Operations Management. 22
Chick S.E, Mamani H., Simchi-Levi D..  2013.  A Game Theoretic Model of International Influenza Vaccination Coordination. Management Science. 52
Simchi-Levi D., CLayton A., Raven B..  2013.  When One Size Does Not Fit All. Sloan Management Review. 54(2)
Chen X., Simchi-Levi D..  2012.  Pricing and Inventory Management. The Handbook of Pricing Management, O. Ozer and R. Phillips (eds.), published by Oxford University Press. Chapter 30
Abdallah T., Diabat A., Simchi-Levi D..  2012.  Sustainable Supply Chain Design: A Closed-Loop Formulation and Sensitivity Analysis. Production Planning & Control. (2-3)
Huang K., Simchi-Levi D., Song M..  2012.  Optimal Market-Making with Risk Aversion. Operations Research. 60
Halman N., Orlin J., Simchi-Levi D..  2012.  Approximating the Nonlinear Newsvendor and Single-Item Stochastic Lot-Sizing Problems When Data Is Given by an Oracle. Operations Research. 60(2)
Simchi-Levi D., Zhao Y..  2012.  Performance Evaluation of Stochastic Multi-Echelon Inventory Systems: A Survey. Advances in Operations Research. 2012
Caro F., Simchi-Levi D..  2012.  Optimal Static Pricing for a Tree Network. Annals of Operations Research. 196
Simchi-Levi D., Wei Y..  2012.  Understanding the Performance of the Long Chain and Sparse Designs in Process Flexibility. Operations Research. 60
Lu Y., Ozdaglar A., Simchi-Levi D..  2011.  Stock Repurchase with an Adaptive Reservation Price: A Study of the Greedy Policy. Operations Research Letters. 29
Simchi-Levi D., Peruvankal J.P, Mulani N., Read B., Ferreira J..  2011.  Is It Time to Rethink Your Manufacturing Strategy? Sloan Management Review. 53
Pei P., Simchi-Levi D., Tunca T.I.  2011.  Sourcing Flexibility, Spot Trading and Procurement Contract Structure. Operations Research. 59
Simchi-Levi D., Peruvankal J.P, Mulani N., Read B., Ferreira J..  2011.  Is It Time to Rethink Your Manufacturing Strategy? Sloan Management Review. 53(2)
Choo S., Klabjan D., Simchi-Levi D..  2010.  Multi-ship Crane Sequencing with Yard Congestion Constraints. Transportation Science. 44
Halman N., Li C.L, Simchi-Levi D..  2009.  Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Schemes for Time-Cost Tradeoff Problems in Series-Parallel Project Networks. Operations Research Letters. 37
Halman N., Klabjan D., Mostagir M., Orlin J., Simchi-Levi D..  2009.  A Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme for Single-item Stochastic Lot-sizing Problems with Discrete Demand. Mathematics of Operations Research. 34
Simchi-Levi D., Simchi-Levi E..  2009.  Supply Chain Management Technologies. The Handbook of Technology Management, edited by H. Bidgoli and published by John Wiley & Sons. II(Part 1)
Shen Z.-J., Shu J., Simchi-Levi D., Teo C.-P., Zhang J..  2009.  Approximation Algorithms for General One-Warehouse Multi-Retailer Systems. Naval Research Logistics. 56
Li M., Simchi-Levi D..  2009.  The Web Based Beer Game: Demonstrating the Value of Integrated Supply Chain Management. Business Simulations: Concepts and Applications, edited by S. Kapoor, Icfai Books.
Focacci F., Simchi-Levi D..  2009.  Flexibility: A Critical Factor in Today's Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry. Innovatin in Pharmaceutical Technology.
Halman N., Klabjan D., Li C.L, Orlin J., Simchi-Levi D..  2008.  Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Schemes for Stochastic Dynamic Programming Problems. ACM-SIAM SODA 2008 Program.
Halman N., Li C.L, Simchi-Levi D..  2008.  Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Schemes for Time-Cost Tradeoff Problems in Series-Parallel Project Network. Accepted to Approx 2008 Program. Published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin. 5171/2008
Chen X., Simchi-Levi D..  2008.  A New Approach for the Stochastic Cash Balance Problem with Fixed Costs. Probabililty in the Engineering and Informational Science. 23
V. de Albeniz M, Simchi-Levi D..  2008.  Competition in the Supply Option Market. Operations Research. 57
Chen X., Li C.L, Rhee B.D, Simchi-Levi D..  2007.  The Impact of Manufacturer Rebates on Supply Chain Profits. Naval Research Logistics. 54
Chen X., Sim M., Simchi-Levi D., Sun P..  2007.  Risk Aversion in Inventory Management. Operations Research. 55
Duranx S., Liu T., Simchi-Levi D., Swann J..  2007.  Optimal Production and Inventory Policies of Priority, Time and Price Differentiated Customers. IIE Transactions. 39
Iravani S., Liu T., Luangkesorn K.L, Simchi-Levi D..  2007.  A Produce-to- Stock System with Advance Demand Information and Secondary Customers. Naval Research Logistics. 54
Bish E.K, Chen Y.F, Leong Y.T, Nelson B.L, C.Ng J.W, Simchi-Levi D..  2007.  Dispatching Vehicles in a Mega Container Terminal. Container Terminals and Cargo Systems, K. H. Kim and H. O. Gunther, eds., Springer.
Duranx S., Liu T., Simchi-Levi D., Swann J..  2007.  Tactical Inventory Policies for Service-Differentiated Customers. Operations Research Letters. 36
Chick S.E, Mamani H., Simchi-Levi D..  2007.  Supply Chain Coordination and Influenza Vaccination. Operations Research. 56
Chou C.F, Queyranne M., Simchi-Levi D..  2006.  The Asymptotic Performance Ratio of an On-Line Algorithm for Uniform Parallel Machine Scheduling with Release Dates. Mathematical Programming. 106
Magnanti T.L, Shen Z.-J., Shu J., Simchi-Levi D., Teo C.P.  2006.  Inventory Placement in Acyclic Supply Chain Networks. Operations Research Letters. 36
Chen X., Simchi-Levi D..  2006.  Coordinating Inventory Control and Pricing Strategies with Random Demand and Fixed Ordering Cost: The Continuous Review Model. Operations Research Letters. 36
Chou C.F, Liu H., Queyranne M., Simchi-Levi D..  2006.  On the Asymptotic Optimality of a Simple On-line Algorithm for the Stochastic Single Machine Weighted Completion Time Problem and its Extensions. Operations Research. 54
Zhao Y., Simchi-Levi D..  2006.  Performance Analysis and Evaluation of Assemble-to-Order Systems With Stochastic Sequential Lead Times. Operations Research. 54
Chen L.MA, Simchi-Levi D., Swann J..  2006.  Dynamic Pricing Strategies for Manufacturing with Stochastic Demand and Discretionary Sales. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. 8
V. de Albeniz M, Simchi-Levi D..  2006.  Mean-Variance Trade-offs in Supply Contracts. Naval Research Logistics. 53
Biller S., Chan L.MA, Simchi-Levi D., Swann J..  2005.  Dynamic Pricing and the Direct-to-Consumer Model in the Automotive Industry. Elecontronic Commerce Journal. 5
Hui L., Queyranne M., Simchi-Levi D..  2005.  On the Asymptotic Optimality of Algorithms for the Flow Shop Problem with Release Dates. Naval Research Logistics. 52
Simchi-Levi D., Zhao Y..  2005.  Safety Stock Positioning in Supply Chains with Stochastic Lead Times. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. 7
V. de Albeniz M, Simchi-Levi D..  2005.  A Portfolio Approach for Procurement Contracts. Production and Operations Management. 14
Caglar D., Li C.L, Simchi-Levi D..  2004.  Two-Echelon Spare Parts Inventory System Subject to a Service Constraint. IIE Transactions. 36
Simchi-Levi D., Zhao Y..  2004.  The Value of Information Sharing in a Two-stage Supply Chain with Production Capacity Constraints: The Infinite Horizon Case. Probabililty in the Engineering and Informational Science. 18
Iravani S.MR, Laungkesorn K.L, Simchi-Levi D..  2004.  A General Decomposition Algorithm for Parallel Queues with Correlated Arrivals. Queueing Systems. 47
Chan L.MA, Shen Z.J, Simchi-Levi D., Swann J..  2004.  Coordination of Pricing and Inventory Decisions: A Survey and Classification. Handbook of Quantitative Supply Chain Analysis: Modeling in the E-Business Era, D. Simchi-Levi, S. D. Wu and Z. J. Shen, eds. Kluwers.
Chen X., Simchi-Levi D..  2004.  Coordinating Inventory Control and Pricing Strategies with Random Demand and Fixed Ordering Cost: The Infinite Horizon Case. Mathematics of Operations Research. 29
Kaminsky P., Simchi-Levi D..  2003.  Production and Distribution Lot Sizing in a Two Stage Supply Chain. IIE Transactions. 35
Iravani S.MR, Luangkesorn K.L, Simchi-Levi D..  2003.  On Assemble-To-Order Systems with Flexible Customers. IIE Transactions. 35
Simchi-Levi D., Zhao Y..  2003.  The Value of Information Sharing in a Two-stage Supply Chain with Production Capacity Constraints. Naval Research Logistics. 50
Mirchandani P., Simchi-Levi D..  2003.  Communications Network Design Models. Handbook of Graph Theory. J. L. Gross and J. Yellen eds., CRC Press.
Muriel A., Simchi-Levi D..  2003.  Supply Chain Design and Planning - Applications of Optimization Techniques for Strategic and Tactical Models. Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science, the volume on Supply Chain Management. S. Graves and A. G. Kok, eds., North-Holland, Amsterdam.
Chen Y.F, Feng Y., Simchi-Levi D..  2002.  Uniform distribution of inventory positions in two-echelon periodic review systems with batch-ordering policies and interdependent demands. European Journal of Operations Research. 140
Bramel J., Simchi-Levi D..  2002.  Set-Covering Based Algorithms for the Capacitated VRP. The Vehicle Routing Problem, P. Toth and D. Vigo, eds., SIAM Monographs on Discrete Mathematics and Applications.
Chan L.MA, Muriel A., Shen Z.J, Simchi-Levi D..  2002.  On the Effectiveness of the Zero-Inventory-Ordering Policy for the Economic Lot Sizing Model with Piecewise Linear Cost Structures. Operations Research. 50
Chan L.MA, Muriel A., Shen Z.J, Simchi-Levi D., Teo C.P.  2002.  Effective Zero Inventory Ordering Policies for the Single-Warehouse Multi-Retailer Problem with Piecewise Linear Cost Structures. Management Science. 48
Kaminsky P., Simchi-Levi D..  2001.  The Asymptotic Optimality of the SPT Rule for the Flow Shop Mean Completion Time Problem. Operations Research. 49
Chou C.F, Queyranne M., Simchi-Levi D..  2001.  The Asymptotic Performance Ratio of an On-Line Algorithm for Uniform Parallel Machine Scheduling with Release Dates. Proceeding of the 8th International IPCO Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands. June 2001
Simchi-Levi D., Simchi-Levi E..  2001.  Logistics Systems Modeling. Handbook of Industrial Engineering, 3rd edition, edited by G. Salvendy and published by John Wiley & Sons.
Demir E.K, Leong T, Li C.L, Ng J., Simchi-Levi D..  2001.  Locating Containers in a Mega Terminal. Naval Research Logistics. 48
Kaminsky P., Simchi-Levi D..  2001.  Asymptotic Analysis of an On-Line Algorithm for the Single Machine Completion Time Problem With Release Dates. Operations Research Letters. 29
Chen Y.F, Drezner Z., Ryan J.K, Simchi-Levi D..  2000.  Quantifying the Bullwhip Effect in a Simple Supply Chain: The Impact of Forecasting, Lead Times and Information. Management Science. 46
Chen Y.F, Ryan J.K, Simchi-Levi D..  2000.  The Impact of Exponential Smoothing Forecasts on the Bullwhip Effect. Naval Research Logistics. 47
Gallego G., Ryan J.K, Simchi-Levi D..  2000.  Minimax Analysis for the Discrete Finite Horizon Inventory Model. IIE Transactions. October 2000
Chopra S., Simchi-Levi D..  1999.  Packing and Covering. CRC Handbook of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics, K. H. Rosen et al. (eds.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Chopra S., Simchi-Levi D..  1999.  Communication Networks. CRC Handbook of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics, K. H. Rosen et al. (eds.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Chan L.MA, Federgruen A., Simchi-Levi D.  1998.  Probabilistic Analysis and Practical Algorithms for Inventory Routing Models. Operations Research. 46
Chan L.M, Simchi-Levi D., Bramel J..  1998.  Worst-case Analyses, Linear Programming and the Bin-packing Problem. Mathematical Programming. 83
Chan L.MA, Muriel A., Simchi-Levi D..  1998.  Parallel Machine Scheduling, Linear Programming and List Scheduling Heuristics. Operations Research. 46
Chen Y.F, Drezner Z., Ryan J.K, Simchi-Levi D..  1998.  The Bullwhip Effect: Managerial Insights on the Impact of Forecasting and Information on Variability in a Supply Chain. Quantitative Models for Supply Chain Management, S. Tayur, R. Ganeshan and M. Magazine, eds., Kluwer.
Kaminsky P., Simchi-Levi D..  1998.  Probabilistic Analysis and Practical Algorithms for the Flow Shop Weighted Completion Time Problem. Operations Research. 46
Chan L.MA, Simchi-Levi D..  1998.  Probabilistic Analysis and Practical Algorithms for Three-Level Distribution Systems. Management Science. 44
Kaminsky P., Simchi-Levi D..  1998.  A New Computerized Beer Game: Teaching the Value of Integrated Supply Chain Management. Supply Chain and Technology Management. Hau Lee and Shu Ming Ng, eds., POMS Series in Technology and Operations Management. 1
Bramel J., Simchi-Levi D..  1997.  On the Effectiveness of Set Covering Formulations for the Vehicle Routing Problem. Operations Research. 45
Bramel J., Rhee W.T, Simchi-Levi D..  1997.  Average Case Analysis of the Bin-Packing Problem with General Cost Structure. Naval Research Logistics. 44
Braca J., Bramel J., Posner B., Simchi-Levi D..  1997.  A Computerized Approach to the New York City School Bus Routing Problem. IIE Transactions. 29
Bertsimas D., Simchi-Levi D..  1996.  The New Generation of Vehicle Routing Research: Robust Algorithms Addressing Uncertainty. Operations Research. 44
Pinedo M., Simchi-Levi D.  1996.  Heuristics Methods. Mathematical Programming for Engineers, M. Avreil and B. Golany, eds., Marcel Dekker, Inc., NY.
Bramel J., Simchi-Levi D..  1996.  Probabilistic Analysis and Practical Algorithms for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows. Operations Research. 44
Gallego G., Queyranne M., Simchi-Levi D..  1996.  Single Resource Multi-Item Inventory Systems. Operations Research. 44
Federgruen A., Simchi-Levi D..  1995.  Analytical Analysis of Vehicle Routing and Inventory Routing Problems. Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science, the volume on NetworkRouting. M. Ball, T. Magnanti, C. Monma and G. Nemhauser, eds., North-Holland, Amsterdam.
Berman O., Jaillet P., Simchi-Levi D..  1995.  Location-Routing Problems with Uncertainty. Facilities Location, Z. Drezner, ed., Springer Verlag.
Bramel J., Simchi-Levi D..  1995.  A Location Based Heuristic for General Routing Problems. Operations Research. 43
Bala K., Stern T.E, Simchi-Levi D., Bala K..  1995.  Routing in Linear Lightwave Networks. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. 3
Anily S., Bramel J., Simchi-Levi D..  1994.  Worst-Case Analysis of Heuristics for the Bin-Packing Problem with General Cost Structure. Operations Research. 42
Simchi-Levi D..  1994.  New Worst Case Results for the Bin-Packing Problem. Naval Research Logistics. 41
Gallego G., Simchi-Levi D..  1994.  Rejoinder to "A Note on Bounds for Direct Shipping". Management Science. 40
Averbakh I., Berman O., Simchi-Levi D..  1994.  Probabilistic a Priori Routing Location Problems. Naval Research Logistics. 41
Bienstock D., Goemans M., Simchi-Levi D., Williamson D..  1993.  A Note on the Prize Collecting Traveling Salesman Problem. Mathematical Programming. 59
Bienstock D., Bramel J., Simchi-Levi D..  1993.  A Probabilistic Analysis of Tour Partitioning Heuristics for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Unsplit Demands. Mathematics of Operations Research. 18
Bramel J., Li C.L, Simchi-Levi D..  1993.  Probabilistic Analysis of Heuristics for the Vehicle Routing with Time Windows. American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences. 13
Simchi-Levi D..  1992.  Hierarchical Design for Probabilistic Distribution Systems in Euclidean Spaces. Management Science. 38
Li C.L, McCormick S.T, Simchi-Levi D..  1992.  The Point-to-Point Delivery and Connection Problems: Complexity and Algorithms. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 36
Gavish B., Li C.L, Simchi-Levi D..  1992.  Analysis of Heuristics for the Design of Tree Networks. Annals of Operations Research. 36
Li C.L, Simchi-Levi D., Desrochers M..  1992.  On the Distance Constrained Vehicle Routing Problem. Operations Research. 40
Li C.L, McCormick S.T, Simchi-Levi D..  1992.  On the Minimum-Cost-Bounded Diameter and the Fixed-Budget-Minimum-Diameter Edge Addition Problems. Operations Research Letters. 11
Gallego G., Simchi-Levi D., Xiao D..  1992.  The Complexity of the Staggering Problem and Other Classical Inventory Problems. Operations Research Letters. 12
Bramel J., Coffman, Jr. E.G, Shor P.W, Simchi-Levi D..  1992.  Probabilistic Analysis of the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Unsplit Demands. Operations Research. 40
Li C.L, McCormick S.T, Simchi-Levi D..  1992.  Finding Disjoint Paths with Different Paths - Costs: Complexity and Algorithms. Networks. 22
Sigman K., Simchi-Levi D..  1992.  Light Traffic Heuristic for an M/G/1 Queue with Limited Inventory. Annals of Operations Research. 40
Drezner Z., Simchi-Levi D..  1992.  Asymptotic Behavior of the Weber Location Problem on the Plane. Annals of Operations Research. 40
Simchi-Levi D..  1991.  The Capacitated Traveling Salesman Location Problem. Transportation Science. 25
Simchi-Levi D., Berman O..  1991.  Minimizing the Total Flow Time of $n$ Jobs on a Network. IIE Transactions. 23
Gallego G, Moon I., Simchi-Levi D..  1991.  Controllable Production Rates in a Family Production Context. International Journal of Producdtion Research. 29
Li C.L, McCormick S.T, Simchi-Levi D..  1990.  The Complexity of Finding Two Disjoint Paths with Min Max Objective Function. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 26
Henig M.I, Simchi-Levi D..  1990.  Scheduling Tasks with Failure Probabilities to Minimize Expected Cost. Naval Research Logistics. 37
Gallego G., Simchi-Levi D.  1990.  On the Effectiveness of Direct Shipping Strategy for the One Warehouse Multi-Retailer R-Systems. Management Science. 36
Berman O., Simchi-Levi D..  1990.  Conditional Location Problems on Networks. Transportation Science. 24
Li C.L, Simchi-Levi D..  1990.  Worst-Case Analysis of Heuristics for the Multi-Depot Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problems. ORSA Journal on Computing. 2
Simchi-Levi D., .Berman O.  1990.  Optimal Locations and Districts of Two Traveling Salesman in a Tree. Networks. 20
Drezner Z., Schaible S., Simchi-Levi D..  1990.  A Queueing-Location Problem on the Plane. Naval Research Logistics. 37
Berman O., Simchi-Levi D..  1989.  The Traveling Salesman Location Problem on Stochastic Networks. Transportation Science. 23
Simchi-Levi D., Berman O..  1988.  A Heuristic Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Location Problem on Networks. Operations Research. 36
Berman O., Simchi-Levi D..  1988.  Finding the Optimal A Priori Tour and Location ofa Traveling salesman with Non Homogeneous Customers. Transportation Science. 22
Berman O., Simchi-Levi D., Tamir A..  1988.  The Minimax Multistop Location Problem on a Tree. Networks. 18
Berman O., Simchi-Levi D..  1988.  Minisum Location of a Traveling Salesman on Simple Networks. European Journal of Operations Research. 36
Simchi-Levi D., Berman O..  1987.  Heuristics and Bounds for the Traveling Salesman Location Problem on the Plane. Operations Research Letters. 6
Berman O., Simchi-Levi D..  1986.  Minsum Location of a Traveling Salesman. Networks. 16