
Supply Chain Best Practice

Ma W., Simchi-Levi D..  2019.  Tight Weight-dependent Competitive Ratios for Online Edge-weighted Bipartite Matching and Beyond. ACM conference on Economics and computation - EC. :727-728.
Simchi-Levi D..  2011.  Operations Rules: How to Mitigate Risk Based on Business Objectives. The European Business Review.
Simchi-Levi D..  2011.  Greening the Global Supply Chain. Our Common Future. Conference summary report.
Focacci F., Simchi-Levi D..  2009.  Focus on Flexibility. Manufacturing Chemist. February 2009
Focadci F., Simchi-Levi D..  2009.  Flexibility: A Critical Factor in Today's Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry. Innovation in Pharmaceutical Technology. September 2009
Simchi-Levi D., Nelson D., Mulani N., Wright J..  2008.  Crude Calculations; Why high oil prices are upending the way companies should manage their supply chains. The Wall Street Journal. (September 22, 2008)
Simchi-Levi D..  2005.  The Impact of RFID on Supply Chain Efficiency. RFID and Beyond: Growing Your Business Through Real World Awareness. C. Heinrich, Editor, Wiley.
Heinrich C., Simchi-Levi D..  2005.  Do IT Investments Really Change Financial Performance? Supply Chain Management Review. May
Simchi-Levi D..  2005.  Innovative Supply Contracts. The Missing Link: Designing Supply Chains for Growth, Profitability and Resilience, Edited by J. Rothfeder.
Simchi-Levi D., Simchi-Levi E..  2004.  Inventory Optimization: The Last Frontier. Inbound Logistics. March 2004
Simchi-Levi D., Simchi-Levi E., Watson M..  2003.  Tactical Planning for Reinventing the Supply CHain. The Practice of Supply Chain Management, edited by T Harrison, H. Lee and J. Neale; Kluwer.
Simchi-Levi D., Simchi-Levi E..  2003.  Finding the Right Balance. CLO: Chief Logistics Officer. December 2003
Simchi-Levi D, Simchi-Levi E..  2003.  Inventory Positioning: Exploring Push and Pull Supply Chains. Parcel Shipping & Distribution. June 2003
Simchi-Levi D., Snyder L, Watson M..  2002.  Supply Chain Responsiveness in the Wake of a Major Crisis. Supply Chain Management Review.